Posts Tagged ‘Rascal Flatts


What hurts the most!!

I absolutely love this song (I know I say that a lot, but it’s so true). There are two groups that perform this song.

Of course Rascal Flatts. I like the video to this. It’s so sweet, but true. I find myself relating to this song in this version I find I get the real reason more. I can fell the pain, and the hurt that this song would bring to a person. I don’t know maybe I’m a softy, but this song could bring me to tears. It’s hasn’t, but it could. His voice brings a nice touch to this song. It is strong but still you can hear the emotion. I’m actually listening to this song right now and writing about it, it’s hard.

Now Cascada is a little different. This song is more up beat, but it has the same lyrics, and the same meaning. It’s easier to dance to, and easier for me to sing, but it’s different. I think it’s less heart filled. If that makes sense. I mean it’s the same words, but the beat changes the feeling. In Rascal Flatts version it’s easier to relate to the pain.

What Hurts The Most Pictures, Images and Photos

So I need an opinion on which is better. I am putting this song in the book I am writing and I want the best.