Posts Tagged ‘poetry


What happens when?

I was thinking about writing a poem for my book I am writing, actually one of the many I am writing. Well anyway i wanted to see what you all think. It is kind of long, but I think it is good.

What Happens When?

What happens when you feel so much but can not tell?

What happens when your heart had soared then fell?

What happens when you gave your heart to someone new?

What happens when all they do is hurt you?

What happens when you put on a fake smile to cover the tears?

What happens when you want to but can’t show your fears?

What happens when you are tires of being scared?

What happens when you want to show who you are but never dared?

What happens when you are hurt because you had a bad fall?

What happens when when your hurt so bad you stumble into a crawl?

What happens when you begin to cry because all you want to do is die?

What happens when your life was nothing but a lie?

What happens when you have nothing left?

What happens when you would still fight to the death?

What happens when you hide your pain so well?

What happens when the thoughts inside your head swell?

What happens when you lost a friend?

What happens when you feel near your end?

What happens when you’re dead inside?

What happens when it hurts just to stay alive?

What happens when you change who you are?

What happens when you’ve been pushed to far?

What happens when you lose the thing you want most?

What happens when you feel like burnt butter toast?

What happens when you hurt yourself because you are sad?

What happens when life seems so bad?

What happens when?

What happens when?

Will these questions ever end?

Now to understand the meaning of this poem to my character you must understand her background. Caitlyn is a sixteen year old girl who had everything going for her until her boyfriend betrayed her. Then Caitlyn looses everything she loves, and her life is destroyed. This poem was her way to tell the world how she felt without have to completely tell how she truly feels. She pores her heart and soul into this poem, and this poem might be the last thing she ever could put her heart into because maybe one day her heart will stop beating and her pain will be no more.