Posts Tagged ‘Movies


The best of 2008!!

2008 brought many things to us. So let’s see what’s the best of 2008 on photo bucket (in my opinion).

The Giants won the Superbowl against the Patriots


Twilight Cast
Twilight came out, and it totally rocked. Sorry there’s a lot of pictures and well I like Twilight.
808's and Heartbreak
Kayne West comes out with his new CD, with Heartless on it.
Batman the Dark Night came to theaters.
forever by chris brown Pictures, Images and Photos
Forever by Chris Brown Released.
love story song
Taylor Swift released Love Story
Selena Gomez releases Tell Me Something I don’t know, and a new season of Wizards of Waverly Place starts.
Demi released her first Cd and stared in Camp Rock.
David Cook
David Cook wins American Idol.
Wall-E 2
Wall-E comes out.
Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana go on tour, a new season of Hannah Montana, and Miley released a new CD.
All the Twilight saga (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn) are out.

It was released that New Moon would be in theaters November 20th of Next Year, yes that has to do with this year.
Bush had shoes thrown at him, not funny.
Rhianna and Chris Brown get together.
Hancock comes out.
10,000 BC
10,000 B.C. comes to theaters.
Kung Fu Panda gets to theaters.
Indian Jones comes out, Twilight was 10 times better, sorry I had to say it.
Tinkerbell gets her own movie and series, OK.
Eagle Eye comes to theaters, I’m sad I didn’t get to see it.
High School Musical 3
High School Musical 3 comes to theaters.
Jonas Brothers release a new Cd, and go on tour.
Best Movie?-Twilight Photobucket
Twilight becomes one of the best movies along with Batman The Dark Night.
David Archuleta releases Crush.
Best Male Singer / HOTTEST
Jesse McCartney releases Leavin’.
Camp Rock goes global.
Bolt comes to theaters.
Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps won eight gold metals in the Olympics.
celtics, boston
Celtics beat the Lakers for the Championship.
ironman, iron man
Iron Man goes to theaters.
the U.S. Olympic Gymnastics team Pictures, Images and Photos
United states gymnastic team gets silver over all.
Nastia Liukin Pictures, Images and Photos
Nastia Liukin gets best over all gymnist.
Shawn Johnson Pictures, Images and Photos
Shawn Johnson gets third in over all gymnast and first on the balance beam.
David Cook Light On Pictures, Images and Photos
David Cook releases Light On.



Twilight Cast list set.

These are some good things that happened in 2008. If I missed any tell me, I want to be as accurate as possible.


Movie or the book?

twilight Pictures, Images and Photos twilight book Pictures, Images and Photos

What did you like better the movie, or the book? Personally I liked the book more because you get to chose what they look like, and all that. The movie would have been better if they had stayed with the book more. But that’s just my opinion. What’s your?


Twilight the Movie

This is the car accident scene, one that they didn’t mess up.

twilight or twilight movie Pictures, Images and Photos
My friends and I went to Twilight opening night. My friend Hannah and I agree that the book was at least ten times better. We where sitting there saying what they missed the movie the whole time. The movie was good, yes, but not completely like the book.

twilight Pictures, Images and Photos

In the movie they jumped around in the story line. They put stuff in a weird order, I don’t know why, but they did.

Twilight Pictures, Images and Photos
It kind of bugged me. But what was worse was went hey left out parts. Like they left out the part when she learns all the vampire stuff from him, hello she didn’t just guess. I mean the movie would have been longer if It was the whole book in order.

Then they added parts. Like the fist scene with Jacob Black and his grandpa. That wasn’t in the book. And the evil vampires weren’t there until later, but they where in the early parts of the movie.

The Movie Pictures, Images and Photos

Also they didn’t show that much light on the powers of the characters, Edward’s mind reading, Alice’s future seeing, and especially Jasper’s calming power. I would have liked to have seen more of it.

edward in a tree Pictures, Images and Photos
Plus Edward was not hot enough, he kind of grew on me but still, I imagined him a little different. Sure you can’t find everyone dream boy and mix into one. In other words he was Hot, but didn’t fight my description. I loved how you noticed his eyes the most out of all of them.
Bella Edward james Pictures, Images and Photos
Now Bella, she was beautiful. She was perfect for Edward, but had the same problem for me. She’s not what I imagined.
jackson Rathbone Jasper Whitlock Hale Ashley Greene Alice Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos Carlise (twilight movie) Pictures, Images and Photos Esme (twilight movie) Pictures, Images and Photos
Jasper was perfect along with Edward’s parents.Jasper had that look of fear in his eyes, but the look of caring at the same time. And the parents just perfect.
Alice Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos
Alice was great. I liked her. She was pretty, acted right, everything was great.
Rosalie Hale Pictures, Images and Photos
Rosalie was completely stunning.Her beautiful hair, everything was right. Enough said.

Kellan Lutz as Emmet Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos
I liked Emmet, he had the right feel to him. He was big enough, but teddy bear enough too. I liked him a lot. He’s actually probably what I imagined.

j-spades Pictures, Images and Photos james Pictures, Images and Photos
And I liked who they chose for Jacob, and epically James. Even the person who played James sent shivers down my spine.
Edward, Charlie, and Bella Pictures, Images and Photos
I wasn’t a huge fan of Charlie though. He just didn’t feel right to me. I don’t know why.

So most of the characters do fight, it’s just you’re trying to find the character everyone id imaging and it’s hard.

Twiligt the movie Pictures, Images and Photos
So was it a good movie, yes. Was it based completely and utterly on the book, no.
Twilight Movie Pictures, Images and Photos


Spiderman 1

OMG, I say the second movie last night and loved it. I just requested the third one, though I’ve already seen it. I like these movies they are awesome. I mean who doesn’t like your friendly neighborhood spiderman.
spiderman Pictures, Images and Photos

Spiderman 1 is the basic story of how Peter became spider-man, and the green goblin. I think it’s sad that he and MJ can’t get together because he’s spiderman, but what about the future? Wait did I spoil the secret. My bad!!