Posts Tagged ‘hot choclate


Jesus is like hot chocolate powder. What am I talking about??

jesus Pictures, Images and Photos and hot chocolate powder Pictures, Images and Photos
So I was tired last night, and when I’m tired I don’t always make sense. So some how I was thinking of hot chocolate, and then I thought about Jesus. Don’t ask why or how that happened. Well some how my thoughts mixed together. The bam this came out “You know if you think about it Jesus is like Hot chocolate.”
hot chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos
I know odd, but let me explain. So think about this you have hot water, and then you add the powder. Bam you have perfect hot chocolate. So if you are “hot” about Jesus and mix him in your life you have perfect “Hot Chocolate”. Am I making sense?
hot chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos
The second situation. You have warm but not hot water. Now you add the hot chocolate powder. What do you get? Well not all the hot chocolate powder mixes in and you have stuff floating around. This means you could have better hot chocolate. So implying this with Jesus. You bring Jesus into your life, but you aren’t so sure. I mean you have faith in him, but there are always doubts. Plus you make mistakes so you can’t believe he can forgive you for everything. Your final product, OK hot chocolate.
Hot Chocolate Gone Bad Pictures, Images and Photos
The third and final situation. You have cold water, man it is so cold you shiver when you drink it. So you add the powder. When you add the powder it doesn’t mix, it tries to but it can’t. The cold water won’t let it. Now you see where I’m going. So you are cold for Jesus. You don’t believe in him, you do what you want, and you really don’t care about any God, and you don’t want one. So you’re resisting Jesus and it just can’t mix, but Jesus is trying to mix with you. So in the end you get a nasty drink that you put down the drain.

Now the saddest part most of us are the warm water. Not cold, but not quite hot. In every case Jesus want’s to be in you life, now it’s you’re choice on whether or not you except him.  So that is how Jesus is like hot chocolate. I bet if you tell you’re friends that they’ll think you’re crazy, until you explain.