Posts Tagged ‘holidays


Happy St. Patrick’s Day

I thought I would wish you all a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. And as usual I am putting pictures with it.


Christmas or shopping?

What if we did give less meaningless gifts. For my birthday instead of presents I asked for money for people. This money is going to some fund to purchase a well for the people who need it most. So what if we all did that for Christmas? What if we didn’t by that toy, that sweater, anything? What if instead we gave our time tot he people we loved? What if we brought back the meaning of Christmas? Not the gifts, but the gathering of a family to celebrate Jesus’s birth. We have lost the greatest gift in the world because of gifts. We by gifts on a holiday that never was intended for that. Why do we buy these gifts? I think that we don’t buy them for Jesus, if we did he would have a lot of ipods. Jesus is the true gift, the gift of eternal life, the son of God. And now on his birthday we give gifts. What has this holiday turned into? Now I’m not saying you can’t give gifts, but here’s an idea give the gift of clean water. Go to some fund and for Christmas make a card saying that for Christmas you gave people the gift of clean water in their name. And you don’t just have to do water. At certain funds you can give meals, live stock, and even an education. So what are you waiting for, go change the world one drop of water at a time.