Posts Tagged ‘Hockey


Dallas vs. Bruins

Okay so I didn’t watch this game, but I heard about the fight so I looked on you tube. Here is the over view of the game. Let’s just say the refs. didn’t help much. They missed some calls, and when they happens tension grows. It would have been cool to be there. Yes I admit that I somewhat enjoy the fights. Anyway Matt Niskanen doesn’t know how to fight, and should learn. So enjoy the overview, and the hits.


More on Nisky!!!

My mom gave me an idea. I have a lot of pictures of Matt Niskanen in high school and I thought I would share them with you.

The Star Spangle Banner is sung.

The Star Spangle Banner is sung.

Okay all we have to do is win and we go to State.

Okay all we have to do is win and we go to State.

The banned plays, and the game is about to begin!!

The banned plays, and the game is about to begin!!

Logan saves the puck then Niskanen gets it.

Logan saves the puck then Niskanen gets it.

We're going to state, baby!!!

We're going to State, Baby!!!



Smile for the camera baby, you're gonna be stars. Or at least in virgina!!

Smile for the camera baby, you're gonna be stars. Or at least in Virgina!

I get to hold the plaque.

I get to hold the plaque.

Welcome the the Xcel!!!

Welcome the the Xcel!!!

We're in for one wild ride.

We're in for one wild ride!!

Welcome to game 2!!

Welcome to game 2!!

We may not of won it all, but at least we got there.

We may not of won it all, but at least we got there.

Raise the banner with pride boys!!

Raise the banner with pride boys!!


Matt Niskanen

Matt Niskanen is my favorite NHL player of all time. He just started his NHL carrier, but it wasn’t the start of his legacy.

Matt Niskanen was born Dec. 6 1986 in Virgina Minnesota. As a high school student Matt did well. He kept his grades up, and he played sports. He played football, baseball, and HOCKEY.

Matt also helped in the community. He helped at the younger children’s practices for many sports. In 2005 the Virgina Blue Devils made a dream come true. They went to state.

This is an unforgettable memory for Matt. Matt was the captain for Virgina, and a senior. The one team they had to beat, to be the first team in the history of Virgina hockey to go to state, was the Hibbing Blue Jackets. This game was amazing to watch. All the players played their hearts out. I watched Matt lead the team to victory. They were living the dream. The won the game then the celebration began.

The town was so exited that school was canceled the day they went to state, and eager people held signs wishing there team luck. I don’t know what went through their heads on that bus ride. Though Virgina went to state the never expected what happened,

I wish I could tell you some miraculous story of how they went to win it all but I would be lying. Virgina was inexperienced, and unprepared for state. They didn’t win, and that’s were the dream ended.

Matt went on to collage with a four year scholarship from the Dallas Stars. Matt Niskanen was the first round draft pick for the Stars, and I bet they don’t regret it.

Matt didn’t stay with the Bulldogs for four years. Instead he went to the Stars. Where he became a starer. The Stars starting defence man was injured bringing Niskanen right up there. But before he got to play the Stars Had a surprise for him.

That’s right a new car. A tricked out new car, so Nisky could ride in style. So Matt’s carrier went on as he got better he played more. Then I finally got to see him play.

The Minnesota wild was playing the Dallas Stars in Minnesota. I finally got to see my brothers team mate play in a professional game. Dallas beat the Wild 1 to 0.After the game as the players were living the ice my dad and I got our cards signed by Niskanen.

That year Nisky had 7 goals, and 19 assists. Matt Niskanens carrer has just begun and it bet he’ll become a big star of hockey someday.


My favorite Sports.

When people ask me what my favorite sport is I don’t have an answer. I like three sports and all for different reasons.

Basketball is by fair my favorite sport to play. I like how to win a game you need team work. I am an aggressive player, but I play fair. I have learned that people are different off the court than on the court, I am one of those people. I have played many good people who are so nice of the court. Some teams do not like the way I play, but I play the way I do and it’s fair so I’m not changing the way I play just to appeal certain people. I have played one on one with my older brother and have beat him, but he’s a hockey player so it’s fair.

Football is such an amazing sport to watch, but I would not dare play it. Though few people get severely injured playing football, I don’t want to take any chances. Plus, football is a sport meant for guys, and I don’t want to mess with some football playing guys.

The game of football has in some way shape or form been in my life. My dad was born and raised in Wisconsin, and he is a Packer fan ( no surprise you would be an outcast if you were a Viking fan). Since my dad is a Packer fan so am I, and no I am not a Jets fan just because Brett Favre came back, which is a whole other subject. Anyway, the way that football players move so nimbly makes me awestruck.

Now hockey, what isn’t there to like?? People getting checked into the boards and coming right back from the hit. Women’s hockey isn’t as good, the women don’t look as graceful on the ice as the men do, and they don’t hit as hard. My brother was, and still is, a hockey player. He had the hockey hair too. He played with Matt Niskanen in high school. This picture was taken right after Virgina beat Hibbing to go to State.

Now I admit hockey players don’t smell good after a game. My favorite position on hockey is the goalie. I love watching all the moves they do to save the puck. Also you can have a good team and a bad goalie and you might win, or you can have a bad team and you still have a small chance of winning. What I’m saying is Hockey is a team sport that if one position fails it can hurt your team a lot.

So those are my favorite sports. Next time someone asks you what your favorite sport is think a second before you automatically say one sport.



Miracle is the most awesome sports film ever.

It’s a true story of the 1980 US ice hockey team’s triumphant Olympic victory against the worlds greatest team, the Soviet Union. coach Herb Brooks, star Kurt Russell, had a impossible dream-beat the Soviet Union at there own game.

Starting with a hand picked group of twenty-six undisciplined kids, coach brooks coached them to play like they never played before, and turned twenty of them into a team that belived they could achieve the unachievable-and in the process, united a nation with a feeling of hope.
Dream on