Posts Tagged ‘God


Keys to Heaven

I like this video, it fits so well. I like this group if you haven’t noticed. Look at Forgive me, and Movin’. There here on my blog. I just love music in general, but I liked hip-hop, and R&B the most. Remember Jesus loves you and will always do what is best for you.

look down Pictures, Images and Photos


Your HEART!!!

heart quote Pictures, Images and Photos

True, true, true. So any guy who likes me in any way, or even my friends just know this. My heart is buried deep in God, and God’s love, that it’s almost impossible to get to.

Why do I bury my love in God??? Why not? No that’s not the answer. The answer is for me, God’s love is everlasting. He will not love you just because you look a certain way, act a certain way, anything. He will love you though it all, not matter what, or no matter what you have done. For God can make sinners to saints, but he needs your help to get there.

Now I don’t have a boyfriend, and won’t for awhile. But you like your boyfriend, or at least I hope so. Why would you date him other wise. You spend so much time with him, he knows you, he has been there for you, and he has seen you cry. So why not offer him your heart???
It’s pretty simple boyfriends are temporary, but your heart isn’t. And there will be many boys, but you only have one heart. Be very careful giving away your heart without  God being in the mix. God knows your path, not you, not your boyfriend, just God.

Now how young is to young. If your giving away your heart and under the age of around 24 think very, very carefully and bring God in. Why I say that age is because most people will be out of college, have a job, and be fully mature.
I mean remember 7th grade, remember the way the boys/girls acted. Would you give your heart to one of them?? I think not!! The girls are weird, catty, and most likely insecure. And the guys, where to star?? The guys aren’t mature, or most aren’t. They love there sports and most likely aren’t ready for a real relationship yet.
The older you get the more mature you are, the more ready for a relationship you are, and the closer to God you’ll be (hopefully).

Now if you give away your heart know what you’re giving first. Who are you??? Simple I’m me. No, who are you??? Did I just ask a hard question?

The older you get the more experienced you are, the more situations you’ve been through, so the more you know about you. See where I’m getting. You have to know you and your heart before you give it away. God knows you better than you know you. Ask him who am I. I still don’t know who I am, of course I’m only in 7th grade so that doesn’t surprise me.

Learn who you are, what’s in your heart and find some one who accepts that. Sure that’s not that hard. Is it????

Make sure this guy wants you for you. See going through God is part of this. A person who truly loves you will go to any measure to get your heart. They would risk their life, embarrass them self, even go to the most drastic measures to get your beautiful heart.

This person will accept you for you, not for your clothes, your social status, you money, or your looks. Now that doesn’t mean it’s not important have good hygiene, have a good social life, or for you not even to try to look good. This just mean this person will love you through the good and the bad.
Dont Break my heart Pictures, Images and Photos
So be careful giving away your heart. Make sure you trust them with everything. Because if you give them your heart they have the power to break it. Go to God for help, for he created all and knows all.