Posts Tagged ‘cool music


Light On!!

Okay the official music video is better, but I can’t put it on here. I like this song. I didn’t really watch American Idol so I like both David Cook and David Archulets. I like this song, it’s in the top one hundred. Maybe the top ten, I don’t know. Anyway love, love this song.

I see something in David Cook. I different from what I see in David Archuleta, but he has talent. I must admit I’m surprised. Well I hope you like it, wait I know you will.

DAVID COOK Pictures, Images and Photos


David Archulets

Crush Pictures, Images and Photos

OMG I love this song. It’s definitely in my top ten. Off course I think I don’t have a top ten, more like a top hundred. Anyway, one of my friends wanted David Cook to win and she said David Archuleta was bad. Guess what now she really likes this song. I love this song and believe that David Archuleta has real talent. It’s amazing to see all the stars from American Idol after word.

I see David Archuleta accomplishing great things, and he’ll be around for awhile.



music Pictures, Images and Photos

This is about music in general. You know band music, choir music, pop music, hip-hop music, and all that.
Music Pictures, Images and Photos
1. Music=life. Hello my world would be so horrible without music. I actually wrote an essay about music for band. Here it is…..

Why Music?

Music is a form of art that requires small notes to be put together to form a beautiful sound. In this essay I will tell you why I’m in band and why music is important to society and to me.

I joined band in fifth grade and decided to play the flute rather than the trumpet. My skill level has increased since then. That is probably part of the reason why I haven’t quit. I like to sing also. Playing in band has taught me a lot of singing techniques. Along with singing I like to express myself through my music. Music says what words can’t.

Band has expanded my horizons of musical taste. Playing in band has also helped me appreciate music and musicians more. I joined band because I wanted to play in the pep band. One of the most important reasons I joined band is to put it on my college application.

Music is talent for life. For example and eighty year old man can’t play football but he can play some sort of music.

Music is important because life would be boring and quiet without it. Without music we would lose so much history. Before written language a lot of groups sang stories to their children to remember important events. Music is also the universal language. Though not everyone can understand the lyrics they can understand the beat. The beat in music represents a feeling no words can describe perfectly. Music can connect a community. Music is a feeling everyone can relate to. People show emotion through music that may not other wise be expressed. It would be sad to lose that. There are times when people can see how you feel through what you play or what music you listen to.

Music is important because it helps keep people going through hard or lonely times. A lot of people are in a bad mood but don’t want to stay that way. So they listen to uplifting music to change their mood.

Playing in band or doing choir has helped connect the left and right side of the brain. It has been proven that students who have done something with music have brains that develop to a higher level. Last but not least, music has been around for a long time. It tells the story of the past and hopefully the story of the future.

Music is close to my heart. I hope it’s close to yours too. Spread the love of music to everyone you see today.

2. It’s music no matter where you are you love it. Whether it’s rap, hip-hop, R&B, pop, or others types. It’s still loved. The love of music will always be around, and it always had.

Up the music Pictures, Images and Photos

3. Give me your reason in a comment. I’ll put it in, in a new or this blog, as soon as I can. Tell me why you love music, what you like, what you don’t like, what you wish to see, what you don’t want to see. Though I don’t have much power in the music industry it’s a good idea to get it out there.

What’s your favorite, what is other peoples favorite find out by simply voting. Don’t worry there’s no viruses attached. So go on tell us what you like. If I didn’t list a certain type leave a comment.


Elmo and Chris Brown!!!!

I think it’s cool that he would take the time to do this. Elmo is my favorite. I just think it fantabulous.