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Friend Quotes

I haven’t put these on for awhile and they seemed to be liked, and they are true. I would be nothing without my girls who have been there. I absolutely love my friends no matter how insane we are. Together we may look like idiots, but at least we are idiots together. So here are some quotes to all of my friends no matter how odd.

Best friend... wrong Pictures, Images and Photos

Friend Quote Pictures, Images and Photos

friend quote Pictures, Images and Photos

FrIeNd Pictures, Images and Photos

best friend Pictures, Images and Photos


Happy St. Patrick’s Day

I thought I would wish you all a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. And as usual I am putting pictures with it.


While you were sleeping!!

This song has a good meaning. It is true, and it is sad. What will America do???? Our world is starting a downhill spiral away from God. Our world is overpowered by bad behavior. If you look at the media that is what is provided, not the good news, the bad. We as a country need God, it has been shown that when the people turned away from God they have failed. Do you see where I’m getting??? We don’t want this, and we can do what we can to stop it.

So will we go and turn into a counrty that was “sleeping”??? Or will we wake up and change or world????


If I didn’t like snow I live in the wrong place.

I live in Minnesota, and it snows like crazy. I know duh. Well one of my friends said she didn’t like snow. Well I told her she is like Bella Swan.

Well I like snow, but I don’t. I don’t mind the cold, but it’s to wet. I also don’t mind the dark. I think winter is a beautiful season. It’s so pretty, and white. I think it has an elegance to it, a grace in a way.
ontario lake Pictures, Images and Photos
I must admit winter has some fun activities. Like hockey, you can’t play in the summer. Well roller hockey, but it’s not the same. What else? I like basketball, yes you van play in the summer yes, but it’s more fun during school. Also i like drinking hot chocolate. I have drank it in the summer, but it’s to hot. I like skating too. Of course I’ve been to busy lately to go.
Winter Pictures, Images and Photos
Well the cool don’t bug me much. I actually would rather have it cold than hot. I mean when it’s cold you can add more layers, but you can only go so far down when it’s hot.

winter Pictures, Images and Photos


What hurts the most!!

I absolutely love this song (I know I say that a lot, but it’s so true). There are two groups that perform this song.

Of course Rascal Flatts. I like the video to this. It’s so sweet, but true. I find myself relating to this song in this version I find I get the real reason more. I can fell the pain, and the hurt that this song would bring to a person. I don’t know maybe I’m a softy, but this song could bring me to tears. It’s hasn’t, but it could. His voice brings a nice touch to this song. It is strong but still you can hear the emotion. I’m actually listening to this song right now and writing about it, it’s hard.

Now Cascada is a little different. This song is more up beat, but it has the same lyrics, and the same meaning. It’s easier to dance to, and easier for me to sing, but it’s different. I think it’s less heart filled. If that makes sense. I mean it’s the same words, but the beat changes the feeling. In Rascal Flatts version it’s easier to relate to the pain.

What Hurts The Most Pictures, Images and Photos

So I need an opinion on which is better. I am putting this song in the book I am writing and I want the best.


Jesus is like hot chocolate powder. What am I talking about??

jesus Pictures, Images and Photos and hot chocolate powder Pictures, Images and Photos
So I was tired last night, and when I’m tired I don’t always make sense. So some how I was thinking of hot chocolate, and then I thought about Jesus. Don’t ask why or how that happened. Well some how my thoughts mixed together. The bam this came out “You know if you think about it Jesus is like Hot chocolate.”
hot chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos
I know odd, but let me explain. So think about this you have hot water, and then you add the powder. Bam you have perfect hot chocolate. So if you are “hot” about Jesus and mix him in your life you have perfect “Hot Chocolate”. Am I making sense?
hot chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos
The second situation. You have warm but not hot water. Now you add the hot chocolate powder. What do you get? Well not all the hot chocolate powder mixes in and you have stuff floating around. This means you could have better hot chocolate. So implying this with Jesus. You bring Jesus into your life, but you aren’t so sure. I mean you have faith in him, but there are always doubts. Plus you make mistakes so you can’t believe he can forgive you for everything. Your final product, OK hot chocolate.
Hot Chocolate Gone Bad Pictures, Images and Photos
The third and final situation. You have cold water, man it is so cold you shiver when you drink it. So you add the powder. When you add the powder it doesn’t mix, it tries to but it can’t. The cold water won’t let it. Now you see where I’m going. So you are cold for Jesus. You don’t believe in him, you do what you want, and you really don’t care about any God, and you don’t want one. So you’re resisting Jesus and it just can’t mix, but Jesus is trying to mix with you. So in the end you get a nasty drink that you put down the drain.

Now the saddest part most of us are the warm water. Not cold, but not quite hot. In every case Jesus want’s to be in you life, now it’s you’re choice on whether or not you except him.Ā  So that is how Jesus is like hot chocolate. I bet if you tell you’re friends that they’ll think you’re crazy, until you explain.


Twilight Quotes!!

I was looking for a new picture to put on here and yahoo. Well I decided that a quote from Twilight quotes. So I found, like, a lot of Twilight quotes. So generous me I wanted to share them with you. Aren’t I nice??











So I decided on the last one. I really like this on, and hey it’s well known.


The best of 2008!!

2008 brought many things to us. So let’s see what’s the best of 2008 on photo bucket (in my opinion).

The Giants won the Superbowl against the Patriots


Twilight Cast
Twilight came out, and it totally rocked. Sorry there’s a lot of pictures and well I like Twilight.
808's and Heartbreak
Kayne West comes out with his new CD, with Heartless on it.
Batman the Dark Night came to theaters.
forever by chris brown Pictures, Images and Photos
Forever by Chris Brown Released.
love story song
Taylor Swift released Love Story
Selena Gomez releases Tell Me Something I don’t know, and a new season of Wizards of Waverly Place starts.
Demi released her first Cd and stared in Camp Rock.
David Cook
David Cook wins American Idol.
Wall-E 2
Wall-E comes out.
Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana go on tour, a new season of Hannah Montana, and Miley released a new CD.
All the Twilight saga (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn) are out.

It was released that New Moon would be in theaters November 20th of Next Year, yes that has to do with this year.
Bush had shoes thrown at him, not funny.
Rhianna and Chris Brown get together.
Hancock comes out.
10,000 BC
10,000 B.C. comes to theaters.
Kung Fu Panda gets to theaters.
Indian Jones comes out, Twilight was 10 times better, sorry I had to say it.
Tinkerbell gets her own movie and series, OK.
Eagle Eye comes to theaters, I’m sad I didn’t get to see it.
High School Musical 3
High School Musical 3 comes to theaters.
Jonas Brothers release a new Cd, and go on tour.
Best Movie?-Twilight Photobucket
Twilight becomes one of the best movies along with Batman The Dark Night.
David Archuleta releases Crush.
Best Male Singer / HOTTEST
Jesse McCartney releases Leavin’.
Camp Rock goes global.
Bolt comes to theaters.
Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps won eight gold metals in the Olympics.
celtics, boston
Celtics beat the Lakers for the Championship.
ironman, iron man
Iron Man goes to theaters.
the U.S. Olympic Gymnastics team Pictures, Images and Photos
United states gymnastic team gets silver over all.
Nastia Liukin Pictures, Images and Photos
Nastia Liukin gets best over all gymnist.
Shawn Johnson Pictures, Images and Photos
Shawn Johnson gets third in over all gymnast and first on the balance beam.
David Cook Light On Pictures, Images and Photos
David Cook releases Light On.



Twilight Cast list set.

These are some good things that happened in 2008. If I missed any tell me, I want to be as accurate as possible.


I’m the typr of person who…

Quotes And Sayings The Kind Of Girl Pictures, Images and Photos

I wish that this wasn’t true but I feel it implies. I am like this. I hat few, love many, will forgive but not forget, the laughing at the stupidest thing isn’t that true, I worry about others more than myself, I’ll try to make you laugh when you are sad, I’ll dance in the rain, and I’ll hide my pain behind a smileĀ  just so no one can see the pain. So let’s see that’s the whole quote. I guess it’s a good thing to have these qualities, but it’s herd because the last line happens a lot. You are who you are, you act how you act, and people still can’t accept that. It’s hard but it’s true.


Light On!!

Okay the official music video is better, but I can’t put it on here. I like this song. I didn’t really watch American Idol so I like both David Cook and David Archulets. I like this song, it’s in the top one hundred. Maybe the top ten, I don’t know. Anyway love, love this song.

I see something in David Cook. I different from what I see in David Archuleta, but he has talent. I must admit I’m surprised. Well I hope you like it, wait I know you will.

DAVID COOK Pictures, Images and Photos