As you know there is a part one so go on read it!!! Ow you already did, well my bad. Sorry I can’t read minds like Edward. Yes I read Twilight. And I loved it. It was good.

So I am a flute player, and a singer. I am the third flute in my band. I also have a duet part in the singing half. I love to sing. It is so fun, sometimes I don’t care what I’m singing about. To tell the truth I sometimes sing when I’m scared. You know walking down a dark street, and I’ll be singing something random.

Oh, my books. I haven’t written much. Writers block. It stinks. Though I have been reading more. I like longer, more intense books. They keep on going and you don’t have to be sad when it ends to soon. I used to read short books, you know about 100 pages. But then i got to 200, then 300, and now I’m at 500 pages a book.

I like blue. If no one has noticed. Blue calms me, so does red. And I like fire, not necessarily playing with fire but watching it. Seeing the different shapes that appear. It’s cool. Okay back to blue. It’s the color of water. And I love water. Weird right, water fire. Hay if I have both I’m unstoppable. Any way blue is cool.

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