Archive for March, 2009


Rainy days.

It started raining this weekend, but that was ok. I like rain, I know I am weird. Well I was looking at photobukcet and saw that they had some cool pictures of it rainy. So I thought it would be cool to share them with you.

So I like rain. And i thought these where beautiful picture, and cool quotes. Don’t let the rain ruin your day, but instead let it make your day. Dance in the rain, laugh your heart out, and live with no regrets.


My new story.

rainy day Pictures, Images and Photos
I went for a walk yesterday, even though it was raining. So I was walking to the lake to take some pictures, and i must admit they were cool. While I was walking and looking at the sky and nature around me I thought of a story. I must say it is slightly sad, but it will be cool to see where it goes. It is about a girl in the future in this secret organization. It is going to be short, but it will be OK. It might not have a major plot, but it will have a lot of detail.
mysterious person Pictures, Images and Photos
So if you have any details leave a comment. I am always up for them, and I could use them.

rainy Pictures, Images and Photos



basketball love Pictures, Images and Photos
So I just got back from practice. It was pretty good. We ran our play over and over and over. I think I will remember it now, well I would hope I do. Why do we have practice you ask. Well I will answer that, we have practice because we have pace-setters. I know, what is pace-setters? Pace-setters is a basketball tournament that schools from around the area are invited to. Then we play each other to see who will get first. If you get first then you go on. It is cool. The closet we can was playing for third…we lost.
basketball Pictures, Images and Photos
Any way we have our pace-setters tournament this weekend. It will be cool, and we hopefully do well. Keep your fingers crossed though because Esko, Barnum, and Cloquet will be there. They will be a challenge, in fact two of those teams beat us.
basketball Pictures, Images and Photos
Personally I like pace-setters. It is challenging. Also the last two times we have been there Ely has been there. Well I used to go to Ely, and I got to see some people I haven’t seen in a long time.
basketball Pictures, Images and Photos


Friend Quotes

I haven’t put these on for awhile and they seemed to be liked, and they are true. I would be nothing without my girls who have been there. I absolutely love my friends no matter how insane we are. Together we may look like idiots, but at least we are idiots together. So here are some quotes to all of my friends no matter how odd.

Best friend... wrong Pictures, Images and Photos

Friend Quote Pictures, Images and Photos

friend quote Pictures, Images and Photos

FrIeNd Pictures, Images and Photos

best friend Pictures, Images and Photos


Happy St. Patrick’s Day

I thought I would wish you all a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. And as usual I am putting pictures with it.