
If I didn’t like snow I live in the wrong place.

I live in Minnesota, and it snows like crazy. I know duh. Well one of my friends said she didn’t like snow. Well I told her she is like Bella Swan.

Well I like snow, but I don’t. I don’t mind the cold, but it’s to wet. I also don’t mind the dark. I think winter is a beautiful season. It’s so pretty, and white. I think it has an elegance to it, a grace in a way.
ontario lake Pictures, Images and Photos
I must admit winter has some fun activities. Like hockey, you can’t play in the summer. Well roller hockey, but it’s not the same. What else? I like basketball, yes you van play in the summer yes, but it’s more fun during school. Also i like drinking hot chocolate. I have drank it in the summer, but it’s to hot. I like skating too. Of course I’ve been to busy lately to go.
Winter Pictures, Images and Photos
Well the cool don’t bug me much. I actually would rather have it cold than hot. I mean when it’s cold you can add more layers, but you can only go so far down when it’s hot.

winter Pictures, Images and Photos

1 Response to “If I didn’t like snow I live in the wrong place.”

  1. 1 monkeygirl7921
    January 30, 2009 at 1:15 am

    I kinda like it….. I am not a fan of spring though…rain….melting snow…. too wet.

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