
Jesse McCartney the Old vs. the New!

Jesse McCartney cut his hair as we all know, so I’ve decided to take some pics. off the internet of his new hair cut, and old hair cut. put them together and say which one I like more.
JESSE MCCARTNEY Pictures, Images and Photos

The shorter hair wins!!!!!!!!
Jesse McCartney Pictures, Images and Photos

Longer hair wins, duh!!
Jesse McCartney Pictures, Images and Photos

Longer is totally better. So your getting the vibe I’m putting the one I like more first.

Longer way better!!!!!!!!
jesse McCartney Pictures, Images and Photos

Longer still way better!!!!!!!!

Long still more awesome!!!!!!

Shorter is better!!!!!!!!!

Longer more fantabulous!!!!

Shorter is better, maybe it’s just because he’s happier in that picture.

Longer defiantly better!!!!!!!!

So the longer has 7 that are better, and the short has 3. My opinion is I liked his hair longer, if you agree or disagree leave a comment.

5 Responses to “Jesse McCartney the Old vs. the New!”

  1. January 22, 2009 at 3:59 am

    i la pucha qe es linda la vidaa, i vale la pena vivir para ver las maravillas del mundo y lo qe nos brinda la naturalezaa.. (L) jajaja re baba..:)

  2. 2 Rebekah
    February 19, 2009 at 6:36 pm

    hey hey yeah longer rocks if he sees this site then maybe he’ll go back and we can only hope that he does atleast i can only do the since ive comitted myself to him

  3. June 19, 2009 at 8:58 pm

    jasse mccartney is sexy x

  4. 4 naz
    July 1, 2009 at 8:43 am

    shrter hairs much better and cuter xxx

  5. 5 SuZaN
    August 24, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    boaah jesse mccartney ist soooo eine maschinee altaa voll sexy süßß und romantisch…. voll die sexbombe ich liebe ihn……. IcH LiEbE dIcH JeSse!!!

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