
Packer vs. vikings

As you know I am a Packer fan, and am extremely excited about the game on Monday.Though this will not prove who is better, but it will give one team bragging rights (which the Vikings haven’t had for years).

Yes Brett Favre has left the Packers, but there’s no Favre in team (get it LOL). One player doesn’t make a team, and the Vikings proved that with  Adrian Peterson.  What I’ll be watching is who will do better Adrian Peterson, or Ryan Grant. They are both good players. These two will also pressure the defence. The Packers have a good D., but so do the Vikings.

My dad believes the Packers will beat the vikings by 10 points. I think that will be really close game, but the Packers will win in the end.

This will be a good test for Aaron Rodgers. I will be watching the game, believe me this is a big thing. This should be an interesting game to watch for Packer and Viking fans alike.
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So either I will here the Packers suck, that’s what you get all the time when you’re a Packer fan in Viking land, or I will get to say “Well there better than the Vikings”.

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