
Matt Niskanen

Matt Niskanen is my favorite NHL player of all time. He just started his NHL carrier, but it wasn’t the start of his legacy.

Matt Niskanen was born Dec. 6 1986 in Virgina Minnesota. As a high school student Matt did well. He kept his grades up, and he played sports. He played football, baseball, and HOCKEY.

Matt also helped in the community. He helped at the younger children’s practices for many sports. In 2005 the Virgina Blue Devils made a dream come true. They went to state.

This is an unforgettable memory for Matt. Matt was the captain for Virgina, and a senior. The one team they had to beat, to be the first team in the history of Virgina hockey to go to state, was the Hibbing Blue Jackets. This game was amazing to watch. All the players played their hearts out. I watched Matt lead the team to victory. They were living the dream. The won the game then the celebration began.

The town was so exited that school was canceled the day they went to state, and eager people held signs wishing there team luck. I don’t know what went through their heads on that bus ride. Though Virgina went to state the never expected what happened,

I wish I could tell you some miraculous story of how they went to win it all but I would be lying. Virgina was inexperienced, and unprepared for state. They didn’t win, and that’s were the dream ended.

Matt went on to collage with a four year scholarship from the Dallas Stars. Matt Niskanen was the first round draft pick for the Stars, and I bet they don’t regret it.

Matt didn’t stay with the Bulldogs for four years. Instead he went to the Stars. Where he became a starer. The Stars starting defence man was injured bringing Niskanen right up there. But before he got to play the Stars Had a surprise for him.

That’s right a new car. A tricked out new car, so Nisky could ride in style. So Matt’s carrier went on as he got better he played more. Then I finally got to see him play.

The Minnesota wild was playing the Dallas Stars in Minnesota. I finally got to see my brothers team mate play in a professional game. Dallas beat the Wild 1 to 0.After the game as the players were living the ice my dad and I got our cards signed by Niskanen.

That year Nisky had 7 goals, and 19 assists. Matt Niskanens carrer has just begun and it bet he’ll become a big star of hockey someday.

1 Response to “Matt Niskanen”

  1. 1 StarsRule
    August 24, 2008 at 4:21 am

    To be so young, Matt has done a great job. He was thrown in with the big boys and he performed like a pro should. He is an asset to the Stars and his own star will continue to shine brightly. Matt should continue to grow and become a top “D” man in the NHL. You should get your parents to take a trip to Dallas and see Matt play on his home ice. We are looking forward to another great year from the Stars.

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