
New Blog

Hiya everybody I am thinking of gettting a new blog that will link to this one but it will be a different type. I as a person have changed a lot since I have been on here last so I believe I should have a new blog with a new perspective. So this is my plan, that i will keep this blog to post stuff like I used to post and have this new blog for my new stuff.

I will get back to you on the new block’s name and will make sure to be back soon.


Boston on to round TWO!!!

boston celtics Pictures, Images and Photos
So I have no TV, I know bummer. So since I have no TV I had to listen to the game on the radio, I guess it was ok. My dad likes every team but the Celtics, but I on the other hand love the Celtics (mostly because KG is there). So we where listening to the game and my dad is going on that one of the players should be out of the game.
BOSTON CELTICS Pictures, Images and Photos
Well anyway, we were listening and i could feel the adrenaline running through my viens. I was all excited when the Celtics kept regaining the lead. And then they won. I was like, “YES!!!!!!”
The Celtics Pictures, Images and Photos
So now they are on to round two, o yeah babe. Celtics all the way. I just hope KG gets better. BTW Allen was red hot after his first game. I mean that man was on fire. It was like he didn’t miss a shot. And big baby, wow an amazing performance all the way for him.
Boston Celtics Pictures, Images and Photos
Boston Celtics Pictures, Images and Photos


What happens when?

I was thinking about writing a poem for my book I am writing, actually one of the many I am writing. Well anyway i wanted to see what you all think. It is kind of long, but I think it is good.

What Happens When?

What happens when you feel so much but can not tell?

What happens when your heart had soared then fell?

What happens when you gave your heart to someone new?

What happens when all they do is hurt you?

What happens when you put on a fake smile to cover the tears?

What happens when you want to but can’t show your fears?

What happens when you are tires of being scared?

What happens when you want to show who you are but never dared?

What happens when you are hurt because you had a bad fall?

What happens when when your hurt so bad you stumble into a crawl?

What happens when you begin to cry because all you want to do is die?

What happens when your life was nothing but a lie?

What happens when you have nothing left?

What happens when you would still fight to the death?

What happens when you hide your pain so well?

What happens when the thoughts inside your head swell?

What happens when you lost a friend?

What happens when you feel near your end?

What happens when you’re dead inside?

What happens when it hurts just to stay alive?

What happens when you change who you are?

What happens when you’ve been pushed to far?

What happens when you lose the thing you want most?

What happens when you feel like burnt butter toast?

What happens when you hurt yourself because you are sad?

What happens when life seems so bad?

What happens when?

What happens when?

Will these questions ever end?

Now to understand the meaning of this poem to my character you must understand her background. Caitlyn is a sixteen year old girl who had everything going for her until her boyfriend betrayed her. Then Caitlyn looses everything she loves, and her life is destroyed. This poem was her way to tell the world how she felt without have to completely tell how she truly feels. She pores her heart and soul into this poem, and this poem might be the last thing she ever could put her heart into because maybe one day her heart will stop beating and her pain will be no more.


Jacob Black vs. Edward Cullen

TWILIGHT!!! Pictures, Images and Photos
I have read the Twilight series 2 times through and I must admit I don’t have a team. I never saw anything wrong with Jacob, but still I didn’t see what was so perfect about Edward. So I am making this post to see what you think, and to share my opinion.
new moon jacob black Pictures, Images and Photos Jacob Black Pictures, Images and Photos
Jacob is the best brother you could ever have. Also he is loyal, no duh I mean he is part dog. And what isn’t cool about werewolves, or whatever they are. When they got Taylor to play Jacob I was so glad because he is what I saw Jacob to be. Not to big right away, and cute. Jacob was actually my highlight of New Moon, and I am glad he was in the books after that. Of course if she had gotten rid of him it would be weird because he falls in love with Bella and then Edward comes back so he just disappears. Yeah that would make sense. So I like Jacob and sometimes I wonder what would it have been like if Bella had ended up with Jacob and not Edward.
Edward Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos Edward Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos
Now Edward, wait did I just hear about 1,000 girls scream. Sorry I had to be funny, and it was right there. Well anyway, yes Edward is this extremely hot vampire who has this urge to be different, but yet again he wants to kill Bella half the time. Plus what is with Robert Pattison??? He is not Edward, I am sorry he just isn’t. Edward is not like any human, well DUH he isn’t human.  I must admit for awhile I was a team Edward member, but then I got to thinking. Edward is so perfect it is actually kind of annoying. Sure he is hot, and would die for Bella, but he can’t die. And then there are so many things that Edward is good at…Well i couldn’t see the books without Edward.
Seth Clearwater Pictures, Images and Photos
Now if I had to choose a “team” it would be Team Seth, because he is the only one available. LOL!!!
twilight Pictures, Images and Photos

TWILIGHT!!! Pictures, Images and Photos


What is up with Jesse McCartney?

Seriously what is up with Jesse? I mean just a little bit ago he was no where to be seen, and then bam he is at the top of my charts. I get like 20-40 views of something about him. Maybe it is the two new songs out (How Do You Sleep, and Leavin), but I don’t truly know. It is an odd thing to ponder, but o well.

I like the song How Do You Sleep better than Leavin. I think it is sweet, and easy to dance to. I don’t think I am a huge fan of Leavin, but I think I just have heard it so much that it isn’t as good anymore.



I used to have two bunnies so Easter is my absolute favorite holiday. I think that rabbit are just cute. So I thought it would be cute, and cool if I put some pictures of rabbits and other stuff for Easter.

Easter chick Pictures, Images and Photos

Easter Bunnies Pictures, Images and Photos

5wBnnyInEgg Pictures, Images and Photos

Happy Easter to all!!!



converse Pictures, Images and Photos
I used to not be able to stand converse all stars, but now I love them. They are the perfect summer sneaker, and they can get wet. My dad has told me stories about him and his friends going to the lake and climbing on the rocks with there chucky T’s on. I like walking in the water, and my shoes get dirty really quickly so chuck Taylor’s are the perfect shoes.
Converse love Pictures, Images and Photos
I just got a pair of chuck Taylor’s and I love them. They are comfortable, and light. Now I must admit that they are not the best running shoes, but they are nice for just walking.
GrEeN Pictures, Images and Photos
I think one cool thing about chuck Taylor’s is all the colors. I mean they come in about every color, and now they have patterns. I have a pair that are brown with red and white. They are plaid. I love them so much because if you are far away they look black, and black goes with everything.
converse Pictures, Images and Photos


Rainy days.

It started raining this weekend, but that was ok. I like rain, I know I am weird. Well I was looking at photobukcet and saw that they had some cool pictures of it rainy. So I thought it would be cool to share them with you.

So I like rain. And i thought these where beautiful picture, and cool quotes. Don’t let the rain ruin your day, but instead let it make your day. Dance in the rain, laugh your heart out, and live with no regrets.


My new story.

rainy day Pictures, Images and Photos
I went for a walk yesterday, even though it was raining. So I was walking to the lake to take some pictures, and i must admit they were cool. While I was walking and looking at the sky and nature around me I thought of a story. I must say it is slightly sad, but it will be cool to see where it goes. It is about a girl in the future in this secret organization. It is going to be short, but it will be OK. It might not have a major plot, but it will have a lot of detail.
mysterious person Pictures, Images and Photos
So if you have any details leave a comment. I am always up for them, and I could use them.

rainy Pictures, Images and Photos



basketball love Pictures, Images and Photos
So I just got back from practice. It was pretty good. We ran our play over and over and over. I think I will remember it now, well I would hope I do. Why do we have practice you ask. Well I will answer that, we have practice because we have pace-setters. I know, what is pace-setters? Pace-setters is a basketball tournament that schools from around the area are invited to. Then we play each other to see who will get first. If you get first then you go on. It is cool. The closet we can was playing for third…we lost.
basketball Pictures, Images and Photos
Any way we have our pace-setters tournament this weekend. It will be cool, and we hopefully do well. Keep your fingers crossed though because Esko, Barnum, and Cloquet will be there. They will be a challenge, in fact two of those teams beat us.
basketball Pictures, Images and Photos
Personally I like pace-setters. It is challenging. Also the last two times we have been there Ely has been there. Well I used to go to Ely, and I got to see some people I haven’t seen in a long time.
basketball Pictures, Images and Photos